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Nominees For The 2021 Bessie Awards Announced
Stephi Wild, Broadway World
August 12, 2021

The NY Dance and Performance Awards, The Bessies, New York City's premier dance awards honoring outstanding creative work in the field, today announced the nominees for the 2021 Bessie Awards. Digital performances presented between March 15, 2020 and May 31, 2021, and in-person performances presented between June 1, 2020 and May 31, 2021, were considered for Bessie nominations. Award categories include Outstanding Production, Outstanding Performer, Outstanding Revival, Outstanding Music Composition or Sound Design, Outstanding Visual Design, and Outstanding Breakout Choreographer, which recognizes an artist who has made an exceptional leap in visibility and impact in their career this past season. The list of nominations follows.

"Dance artists and their collaborators have continued to dream and build during the pandemic. They have called upon each of us to reimagine and commit our collective movement toward equity, justice, and healing. We are thrilled to celebrate their work and the resilience of our community at the virtual 2021 Bessies Ceremony," said Bessies Executive Director Heather Robles.

The 37th Annual Bessie Awards ceremony will be livestreamed on Monday, October 11, 2021, at 7:30PM ET. Reservations for the ceremony will be available starting September 20.

Sabela grimes
The Motherboard Suite, We get what you deserve
New York Live Arts

Jasmine Hearn
The Motherboard Suite, Order of Time
New York Live Arts

Princess Lockerooo
Sustained Achievement

Sara Mearns
State of Darkness by Molissa Fenley
The Joyce Theater

Anjali Mehta
Descent by Anjali Mehta
The Artivist's Studio and Lion Party Films

Annique Roberts
Sustained Achievement with Ronald K. Brown/EVIDENCE

Nicholas Sciscione
Bloodlines Season 7 by Stephen Petronio Company
The Joyce Theater

Michael Trusnovec
State of Darkness by Molissa Fenley
The Joyce Theater

Huiwang Zhang
OUR LABYRINTH by Lee Mingwei/Bill T. Jones
The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Outstanding Revival:

State of Darkness
By Molissa Fenley
The Joyce Theater

By Trisha Brown
Trisha Brown Dance Company
The Joyce Theater

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