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Dance Mar 21-Mar 27
Jack Anderson, The New York Times
March 21, 2010

Photo © Todd Richmond

MOLISSA FENLEY concludes this year’s 92ND STREET Y HARKNESS DANCE FESTIVAL in a spirit of conviviality and generosity. In addition to presenting her own pieces, she has invited three choreographic colleagues to show works: NORA CHIPAUMIRE, PAZ TANJUAQUIO and PENNY HUTCHINSON.

Ms. Chipaumire, a Zimbabwean dancer who is creating a duet for the program, says she brings a specifically African quality to her choreography: “It has to do with attention to time. Time unfolds differently there. Time is endless, and that means it becomes spatial. And the movement adds to the disappearance of time.”

Ms. Tanjuaquio offers a film inspired by a visit to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and a duet in which she splits the space down the middle so that the two performers face each other as if in a mirror. Ms. Hutchinson has contributed a duet of her own, a two-part piece that views the dancers from two choreographic perspectives. She’ll also present a dance based on the many meanings of the word “rhubarb.”

And Ms. Fenley will be represented by a new trio version of a dance that once was a solo, and by the latest installment of what she calls her “prop dances,” this one involving steel plates embedded with eagle feathers. Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday at 3 p.m., 92nd Street Y, 1395 Lexington Avenue, (212) 415-5500,; $15; $12 for students and 65+.

Paz Tanjuaquio, a choreographer whose work will be part of the 92nd Street Y Harkness Dance Festival as part of the Molissa Fenley program.

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Untitled (Haiku)